Wardour Chapel




The Chapel

The Dome Project






Getting There



The building and its contents are in constant need of specialist conservation and maintenance, and the Wardour Chapel Trust is completely reliant on voluntary donations to cover these considerable costs.  If you would like to help maintain this great Chapel for future generations, please consider:


Becoming a Friend


A monthly or annual donation by Standing Order  (with a Gift Aid declaration if appropriate).


A one-off donation (with a Gift Aid declaration if appropriate) by cheque or transfer  payable to The Wardour Chapel Trustees. (bank details)


If you would like to leave the Wardour Chapel Trust a legacy, simply insert the following in your will:

 ‘I give to Wardour Chapel Trust (Registered Charity Number 224234) the sum of …… (amount in numbers) pounds for the general purposes of the said trust.’


If you shop online, register with Give as you Live and nominate the Wardour Chapel Trust as your charity and many retailers will donate a proportion of your spending to us.


WARDOUR CHAPEL TRUST        Registered Charity No. 224234