

The Chapel

The Dome Project






Getting There




Friends of Wardour Chapel

The chapel has been owned by a trust (Charity Registration Number 224234) since 1898 and is entirely dependent on donations as no endowment was made when the trust was established.


A few years ago the trustees decided to establish The Friends of Wardour Chapel with the simple aim of generating an annual income to help to achieve the task of keeping this great chapel open for worship.


The annual running costs of the chapel, before maintenance, are in the region of £15,000 and it is clear that these costs are beyond the resources of the local congregation.  The Friends program seeks to raise funds towards these costs, for identified building and repair projects, and to build a sinking fund for future works.


Currently the chapel is open to the public twice a week and is in regular use as an important part of the parish of Tisbury and Wardour.   Services are celebrated every Sunday (10:30am) and Tuesday (9.30am).  In addition, there is a thriving state primary school at Wardour, and the pupils attend the chapel on Tuesdays during term time.  It is of great benefit to the students of the school to be able to experience this magnificent building and its treasures as a regular part of their education, and it is therefore of on-going significance to the spiritual life of the local community.


In addition to the fabric of the building, the Wardour Chapel Trust is responsible for the very fine contents of the chapel and the sacristy: vestments, silver and several large and notable continental paintings.  All this is in increasing need of conservation work.  The trustees believe that these items should remain at the chapel, to be used as intended by those who made and gave them, rather than be added to a museum collection. However, ongoing conservation and repairs are essential.


The Friends of Wardour Chapel was established to provide the opportunity to help in a material way to ensure that this Grade I listed architectural gem remains open and active for future generations.  The trustees believe that this should be of wider concern than the local community, and are therefore asking for benefactors to consider becoming Friends: membership costs £10 per month or, for those who prefer, £120 per year, payable by standing order.


There is an annual open day around the Feast of All Saints to which Friends are cordially invited. This year (2023) it took the form of Mass at 10:30 am on Sunday 5th November, followed by drinks


The Chapel will also be available to Friends by appointment.


Report to Charity Commission April 2024


Letter to Friends December 2023


Letter to Friends May 2023


Letter to Friends October 2022



Membership Form


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Charity Commission entry