Wardour Chapel
The Westminster Chasuble
Red Velvet, fiddleback design, incorporating 15th and 16th century needlework including the tudor rose and the pomegranate of Castille, commemorating the wedding of Henry the VIII to Catherine of Aragon
Mary Christina Chasuble
18th century, fiddleback design, with good needlework.
The Pedlar’s Vestment
Vestments disguised to pass muster for a patch-work quilt, to escape detection, used by the priests at Wardour, in visiting the Wiltshire countryside in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, when massing-priests were hanged, drawn and quartered as traitors. Priests in their journeys often passed themselves as pedlars on their rounds.
Lamb Chasuble
Made in Rome for the opening of All Saints, Wardour Castle. Designed by the needlewomen of Queen Charlotte, wife of George III. Cloth of silver. French design.
Purple set
Chasuble of Silver Wire. (made from the Court dress of the 8th Lord Arundell).
Chalice Veil
From the St Germain set. 18th century French, with good needlework.
Chalice Veil
From the large set of vestments specially made in Rome for the dedication ceremony of the new chapel by Bishop Walmesley on 1 November 1776.
Sanctuary Lamp
By Luigi Valadier, Rome, circa 1775. One of a pair, of gilt bronze and silver, made for the chapel. The order in Rome was supervised for the 8th Lord Arundell by Fr. John Thorpe S.J.
Altar Vases
Two from a set of four, hall marked for 1725. These are the earliest English altar vases to survive.
Recusant Chalice
Silver gilt, dated 1638. Used by the Arundell family in their chapel at old Wardour Castle.
Gilt statue of St Helen
with the Cross
Designed by Giacomo Quarenghi, circa 1775, Rome. Connected with the High Altar made in the workshop of Giacomo Quirenza to Quarenghi's design.
Altar Cruet
Made by Rundell, Bridge & Rundell, 1820. Engraved V and A for wine (Vinum) and water (Aqua).
Holy-water Bucket
Made by John Schofield, 1793. Neo-classical urn-shaped design
Made in 1786 by Charles Kandler in late rococo style to match one imported from Paris, 1778.
Pair of Candlesticks
Two from a graduated set of six. By Charles Kandler, 1732. Rococo.
Incense Boats
Paris 1776
Chalice with Apostles
Maker:Quirinus Rütgers
Aachen circa 1712 (as dated on the underside of the foot)
Silver-Gilt Monstrance
Maker:probably Parisy Séverin
Paris, 1778, (figure and base only, the remainder later)
Pair of Cruets and Stand
(English 1820)
Set of 6 Altar
English 1773
Four Altar Vases
1725 (Earliest in England: C.C. Oman)
Silver-Gilt Altar Cruests
and Stand
Maker: Georg Erhard, Augsburg ca 1685